Amanina akufanele ukufunda nokuphila!
Khanindiboleke iindlebe zenu nonke madoda.
Khanindiboleke iintliziyo kunye neemvakalelo zenu.
Ngumkhwa esiwuthathaphi lo wokucinezela amanina?
Sisifo esivelaphi esi sokudlwengula nokubulala amanina?
Badalwe ngeenjongo eziphucukileyo ngulowo uphezulu.
Bakufanele ukuphila kuba nabo badaliwe njengamadoda.
Bakufanele ukufunda baphumelele kuba nabo zizidalwa zika Thixo.
Madoda ndiva isikhalo sabo esibangelwa sithi.
Ndiva iintlungu zabo neencwina zabo ezikwabangelwe sithi.
Liyintoni na ityala lamanina madoda khanindiphenduleni?
Kwathiwa masibathande, sibahloniphe, sibasebenzele sakugqiba sibaxhase.
Ndiphenduleni madoda, enze ntoni amanina?
Xolisani madoda ngumkhwa ombi lo wokubetha amanina.
Nyawukani madoda linyala lenyoka eli lokudlwengula amanina.
Qabukani madoda anexabiso elikhulu amanina.
Igazi lawo eliphalalayo liyakhala likhaliswa sithi madoda ndiyanqanda.
Ndilikhupha litsole ndithi umntu wasethyini ukufanele ukuphila nokonwaba.
Phambili ngamalungelo wamanina kunye nabantwana phambili!
Athini Watu the only child of the late Ester Watu was born 1980 at Cathcart township in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. He received his lower education at Daliwe primary school from sub-a to standard 5 then he received his higher education at Fundani high school. It is in these schools where he was taught by the teachers who had isiXhosa and the love of literature in their hearts.
While he was still at high school the seed of passion in writing germinated although on the other side facing the lack of literature encouragement programmes in his community due to the fact that people were so taken up by political issues and transformation within the country and there wasn’t enough chance to uplift the young writers. After he had been matriculated he departed for East London to further his studies and his aim was to study isiXhosa and creative writing, while in East London he received a bursary to study a diploma in Information technology at Almega private college (Cambridge university accredited). In 2002 he registered at University of South Africa and studied a short course in creative writing and continued writing plays, short stories and poems. In 2010 he wrote a drama called Inkintsela yaseMontana and submitted the manuscripts to Maskew Miller Longman, the drama has won Maskew Miller Longman 2012 literature award and is being published by Maskew Miller Longman ISBN 9780636143722. He is still writing with a love of literature and also planning to further his studies in creative writing, he is also a member of South African Pan and believes that he has to gain more knowledge and courage to write in African languages.